Zandy's Jewelry Supply is located in Oklahoma, USA. The company was founded by a lifelong rockhound turned jewelry maker turned jewelry supply wholesaler. I spent my childhood fossil hunting in every parking lot and dirt patch I could find and have many memories of rearranging the trunk of my Grandma's car so we could fit her newest garden rock in there.
I started making jewelry in the later part of my 20's, and that spark from my childhood was reignited and has since turned into a raging wildfire. I LOVE ROCKS! I still have days where I cannot believe that this is my job, that I get to play with rocks for a living, but HERE I AM. I'm happy you found me. Now, take a look around and check out ALL THE PRETTY ROCKS I'VE FOUND!

Your eternal rock nerd,

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And Instagram @zandysjewelrysupply